Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 9 of 92 - Too Many Parties!

Whew!  I'm glad the "holiday" weekend is over.  It became more challenging as the weekend went on.  After the 50's Party Friday, we gathered with our favorite friends on Saturday.  FOOD.  And Sunday, we had another gathering with church friends. FOOD. 

These are examples of social gathering challenges.   I feel like I did "ok" being in the company of great people without being totally pre-occupied with the food that was everywhere.  Except for that amazing guacamole!!  My good friends who hosted Saturday's party didn't know yet about my fast.  But they do know that I generally eat raw vegan. They graciously prepared a huge platter of organic veggies with me in mind.  Another friend brought my favorite guacamole!  I felt so bad.  Of course, others eat veggies too - but they were so thoughtful and I felt bad that they went out of their way for me. 

Full Disclosure:  I grabbed a spoon and had one bite of that guacamole!  Shouldn't have done it, but it was divine!

I'm still battling a cold and a goofed up back, and lacked my usual energy today, so enjoyed a nap this afternoon. 

Today I enjoyed approximately 1.5 gallons of liquid.  2 quarts of green juice, 1 quart of pineapple, watermelon, lime juice, 1 quart Master Cleanse and about 6-8 cups of water.

I'm super discouraged about my inability to run for the past THREE WEEKS!!  I have a half-marathon to run on May 5th.  I'm really praying that God will completely heal my back so that I can get back to my training.

There are a few supplements that are highly recommended during a juice feast.  Bee Pollen is one of them.  If you've read my blog back to the beginning of my quest, you may remember when I first bought Bee Pollen.  I had no idea what it was or what it did, but I read I should start taking it - so I did.  Generally, I dump a tablespoon or so into my morning smoothie.  Here is what has to say about it:

Bee Pollen is my number one favorite superfood. There are several reasons we include pollen as part of the Juice Feast:
ONE: NUTRITION: Pollen is said to contain all the elements necessary for the sustenance of human life.  The San Francisco Medical Research Foundation estimates that pollen has more than 5000 different enzymes and co-enzymes, which is more than any other food in existence.  The high amount of enzymes, such as catalase, amylase, and pectin-splitting enzymes, make pollen an aid to digestion.  Some research suggests that pollen is absorbed directly from the stomach into the bloodstream.  Pollen is a vegetarian source of human-active B12, most of the B vitamins, vitamins A, C, D, and E, rutin, all the essential amino acids, the essential fatty acid called linoleic acid, fats, complex carbohydrates, simple sugars, RNA and DNA, steroid hormone substances, a plant hormone similar to a secretion of the human pituitary called gonadotrpin, 15% lecithin, and many other unknown factors.  According to research by doctors from France, Italy, and the former USSR, pollen is the richest source of protein in nature.  Gram for gram, pollen contains an estimated 5-7 times more protein than meat, eggs, or cheese.  The protein in pollen is in a predigested form and therefore easy to assimilate.  Pollen is also abundant in trace minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese, potassium, copper, silicon, sulphur choline, titanium, and sodium.  These minerals are highly assimilable because they are bound organically from plant metabolism.
TWO: COMPASSION: We miss chewing anything on a Juice Feast. This is one thing that you can chew on for the entire Feast, whether it is 7 days or 92.
THREE: LIFE PRACTICE: This is a major longevity food. By eating about 1 Tablespoon per day, you will develop a strong positive bond with this food that will last for a lifetime.
When buying pollen, get it from a reputable source, organic, and preferably from a refrigerator. It should cost no more than $12-15 a pound, and can cost as little as $6-7 when bought from the beekeeper.
On the Juice Feast: 1 Tablespoon per day, maximum. Everyone who is new to bee pollen should start by placing 1 pollen granule under the tongue, to check for an allergic reaction. About 1/2 of 1 percent of the population is allergic to pollen as a food, but please check. If you are in doubt, please consult an allergist. Many people using pollen who have allergies during pollen season find a partial or complete resolution of their allergies by combining a plant-based diet and eating bee pollen as a life practice.

I'll be honest and tell you that I don't enjoy the taste of Bee Pollen, though many people do.  Instead of chewing it, I grind it in my coffee bean grinder until it is a powder and then measure a tablespoon of powder into my juice. 

Tomorrow begins day 10.  Only 82 days to go! :) 

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